Fresh Roasted Coffee


(Arabian Yemen Mocha)

YEMEN COFFEE OR Yemeni Coffee is among the oldest and most highly praised in the world, deep, earthy, complex and pungent.

Arabian Yemen Mocha (Mokha) is on my list of all time personal favorites. Yemeni coffee is in high demand with very limited supply so it's gotten a bit pricey.

However, if you like a distinctive and truly memorable cup, it's worth every penny!

Arabian Peninsula-Yemen


After Ethiopia came Yemen - at least where coffee is concerned. Yemeni coffees are from one of the oldest sources of the bean in the world.

Note: Some Yemenis dispute Ethiopia being first, but we can say for certain that Yemen is one of the original two, and Yemenis do have the honor of being in the first blended coffee - Mokha-Java.

Coffees from Yemen are most distinct, and are highly praised by the connoisseur as being one of the best in the world.

Yemen coffees are the epitome of a "wild cup" and can border on scary at times because of their deep earthy, complex, pungency with overlays of dry fruit (think raisin), cardamom, dry cinnamon, and tobacco notes.

My wife says that Yemen coffees are bitter and fermented, and while I love her dearly, we part company here. I love a great Yemeni!

Yemeni coffee has a great history that has ripple effects today. Mokha is not chocolate, no matter how many coffee shops insist on calling chocolate-flavored coffee drinks Mocha. Mokha is, in fact, the port city where Yemeni beans were loaded up into wooden hulled sailing ships manned by low-land sailors coming home from the island of Java, hence Mokha-Java blend.

In fact, this historical accident of a blend was a natural fit as the funky wildness of Mokha blends nicely with the brighter cleaner Javanese bean.

Arabian Yemen Mocha coffees are dry-processed wild coffees, raised traditionally without chemicals, that with a brave palate, you just might fall in love with. By all means, take a swig of this brew!

Yemen Coffee Profile

Origin: Yemen

Geographic Coordinates: 15 00 N, 48 00 E

Population: 18078035

Cup Profile: Deep, earthy, complex and pungent.

Currency: Rial

Language: Arabic

Ethnic Groups: predominantly Arab; but also Afro-Arab, South Asians, Europeans

Production: (millions lbs.) NA

Exports: (millions lbs.) NA

Botanical Varieties: Typica, Bourbon, Other indigenous varieties

Growing Regions: Mattari, San'ani, Hirazi, Raimi

Wet Processed: NA

Dry Processed: Yes

Altitude Meters: 1000-3000

Introduced: At least by the 6th Century from across the Red sea and Gulf of Aden. From most accounts, Yemen was the first place of cultivation of coffee. (Ethiopia being it's home)

Harvest Times: Nov-Dec

If you would like to experience this amazing coffee for yourself, fresh roasted and shipped right to your front door, please go to:

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